BLS and Surgical Skill Workshop
Attandance in the BLS and surgical skill workshop is mandatory to qualify the house job according to the latest PM & DC rules. The course pertains to various domains of basic surgical skills & basic life support. It is of 7 days duration, and is structured so that the candidates could get a fair and comprehensive understanding of the course.
The first day is focused on basic surgical skills (Scrubbing / Gowning / Gloving instrument handling, Suturing, Knoting, the second day focuses on basic life support and other life saving procedures like IV Canulation / Venus cut down, tracheostomy & 1/M injection.
The department of surgery provides teaching facility to the undergraduate medical students. The department is also providing training how to use various type of surgical instruments.
For convenience and easy understanding, instruments used in general surgery help in the initial stage of surgery, for exposure, to deal with the soft tissue structures, to expose the bones etc. The surgical instruments are categorized as under:-
- Surgical Knife and blade are used to incise the skin and sort tissue.
- Artery forceps is used to catch the bleeding vessels.
- Allis forceps is used to catch the soft tissues.
- Retractors are used to retract the soft tissues.
- Scissors are used to cut the soft tissue.
- Tissue holding forceps, needles etc.