Department of Ophthalmology

Eye OPD is a regular feature at Sir Syed Hospital, Qayumabad. The students of 3rd and 4th year attending the classes and learn various skills. The examination is be taken by the students in fourth year. The OPD consist of a generalized screening clinic where routine ophthalmic care and treatment are offered .The in patient department (ward) is fully equipped in the treatment facilities to the patients. The operation theatre is equipped with the latest microsurgical instruments where routine operations are done regularly. The department consists of dedicated and capable specialists.

No Name Designation Qualification
1 Brig (Retd) Prof. Dr. M. Waseem Principal MBBS, FCPS
2 Dr. Muhammad Saeed Iqbal Professor MBBS, FCPS, FRCS
3 Dr. Vasdev Harani Asso. Professor MBBS, MCPS, DOMS, FAMS
4 Dr. Kanwal Latif Asst. Professor MBBS, FCPS
5 Dr. Mariam Hussain Senior Registrar MBBS, FCPS