Vision, Mission, Objective

Our mission is to create an opportunity for aspirant female Medical & Dental officers for their Intellectual, Spiritual, Emotional, Cultural & Physical Development, in order to grow up as the best of Medical & Dental officers.

After completing the training at Sir Syed College of Medical Sciences for Girls, a graduate shall be able to:

  • Identify the clinical situation and their complications, which need referral to secondary or tertiary health care facilities for further diagnosis and / or treatment.
  • Perform routine diagnostic procedures and rationally interpret the result of these and of more sophisticated procedures performed by others.
  • Understand the importance of those biological, chemical, physical, social and cultural factors, which may adversely influence the physical and mental health of an individual or the community and work to protect them from such factors.
  • Work confidently as a leader and comfortably as a member of a team of health professionals / social workers for promoting health and solving health problems in the community.
  • Locate source of scientific information to continuously pursue self-learning and critically analyse and assesses the value of scientific literature, diagnostic and therapeutic materials / devices.
  • Plan and execute simple research programmes aimed at solving the health problems of the Community.
  • Emit these professional responsibilities honestly, sincerely and to the best interest of the patient without any other consideration.